"Dear Rich and Sandi Solis,
Thank you for the follow-up letter and Season’s Greetings to you and all of your staff.
As you know I recently had some bodywork done by Solis Collision Center on my Honda Insight, the body of which is mostly plastic and aluminum. I was informed when the estimate was made that it would take two business days to complete. We were planning to take a trip Tuesday through Sunday so it worked out well. When we returned, the car was ready and we made arrangements to pick it up. Unfortunately, as things occasionally pile up and descend upon on in a deluge, we were inundated and unable to go. I mentioned this to the staff, thinking I would get there in a day or two, and they said that they would deliver the car! That kind of instantaneous service is totally unheard of these days. Needless to say I was shocked and at the same time very pleased.
The attitude at Solis is gracious and the workmanship is superb. The car looks new! Next time I need bodywork, I’ll go directly to you. I will not hesitate to mention Solis Collision Center to anyone I know who is in need of auto body repair."
Frank M.
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